Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My 2009 Mooncake Festival EXP

Erm, today is such a great bad day I ever had with my dizziness. Celebrating Mooncake festival with lying on the bed because my stomach was not feeling well the whole afternoon. Eat = vomit
Lucky enough one of my friend is still around in this college (my roommate). Thanks for his help and suggestion on helping me to get well. I never eat anything since morning till evening around 5 to 6 p.m

What I ate today was fish chip, a cup of Milo, one can of 100plus, Dutch Lady milk, chewing gum, drinking water and cookies. What a weirdo right? No rice or noodle for the whole day!!And now is about 4 o’clock in the morning while my friend and I still haven’t make up our mind to enjoy our sleep yet. What we did the whole night is playing RESIDENT EVIL 5. Sounds childish yeah? Don’t blame us, we have no other better entertainment. Nevermind, we will go for a movie tomorrow. Opps, is today afternoon time.

During last time when I was still so well protected at my hometown under the sight of my lovely parents, I never get satisfies but now, when I fall a sick, who will be here that is going to care about me? I guess I have to say – NO ONE! Sounds damn pity right? It’s ok, just have to get used to it. Clinic is near and a private hospital is just beside of my lovely college. No problem, no problem…Shit, I hate loneliness.

-May God Always Guide Me-

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