Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa Cruz?No,it is StarSun(WTH is this brand?)

So this is my brand new guitar that cost me RM4xx.xx.Somehow,I like the guitar for few aspects such as it is a cut-away guitar where can play until fret-20 with no disturbance, build-in guitar tuner for easy tuning of guitar strings,it is an EQ acoustic guitar where it can plug into an amplifier if you want,it has 4 tuning for plug-in namely bass,middle,treble,presence with volume control.
The only thing I don't like about this guitar is the wood quality,seriously,I'm very disappointed with it.The fret part is not smooth causing problems for sliding and pushing up.It may looks very nice from outside but inside the body,all the glues is here and there.You can see how well is hand-made guitar.T_T especially from China.

I was told that guitars from China can be named anything.Suppose mine is Santa Cruz but they named it StarSun and they are telling me it is the same thing due to same manufacturer. Wth is that suppose to mean?Nevermind,just accept the fact then.Why don't they name the guitars from China Yamaha?Everyone will be rushing to buy it,right?-.-

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Will you believe that I bought this "BIG" size Koko Krunt just for the SpongeBob SquarePants? Ah,lucky I bought it because it became my lunch few days ago...=.= pity me
But the worse thing is they don't have this yellow span for Koko Krunch! They have it in Honey Star(If the name is not wrong -.-) Yee, I prefer Koko Krunch...
The cashier laughed at me when I asked them " Ini boleh tukar kepada Spongebob ah?" <---- While holding the Koko Krunch and pointing at the pink guy...Xp

Saturday, October 10, 2009



God is giving equal amount of time to every single life in this world, it is all depends on how we appreciate every single second of time. Unfortunately, time cannot be set back but pleasant, time need no to be set back. Appreciate every single second can be represent by appreciate every single person that you had met in your life and as well as the people that you not yet meet too.

What you sacrifice now doesn't mean that it will bring you success on the spot. Wait patiently, believe that what you are waiting for will appear on a special day in the future.

-This Translation Is For That Banana Joanne- XD

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My 2009 Mooncake Festival EXP

Erm, today is such a great bad day I ever had with my dizziness. Celebrating Mooncake festival with lying on the bed because my stomach was not feeling well the whole afternoon. Eat = vomit
Lucky enough one of my friend is still around in this college (my roommate). Thanks for his help and suggestion on helping me to get well. I never eat anything since morning till evening around 5 to 6 p.m

What I ate today was fish chip, a cup of Milo, one can of 100plus, Dutch Lady milk, chewing gum, drinking water and cookies. What a weirdo right? No rice or noodle for the whole day!!And now is about 4 o’clock in the morning while my friend and I still haven’t make up our mind to enjoy our sleep yet. What we did the whole night is playing RESIDENT EVIL 5. Sounds childish yeah? Don’t blame us, we have no other better entertainment. Nevermind, we will go for a movie tomorrow. Opps, is today afternoon time.

During last time when I was still so well protected at my hometown under the sight of my lovely parents, I never get satisfies but now, when I fall a sick, who will be here that is going to care about me? I guess I have to say – NO ONE! Sounds damn pity right? It’s ok, just have to get used to it. Clinic is near and a private hospital is just beside of my lovely college. No problem, no problem…Shit, I hate loneliness.

-May God Always Guide Me-

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend Weekend, Another Weekend

It’s a very boring weekend for me again at my college’s hostel but it’s fine for me. Nothing come for free right? I trust that I will enjoy my future later while suffer now.

Wow, quite sleepy today huh, was doing what we named it “Men’s Talk” yesterday and only slept for few hours before going to my class today morning and that was quite an interesting thing I learnt inside the class. Always read the facts for mathematics! If they do not need you to read and know the words, why they wrote so many words inside a mathematic book? I was screwed up in the class.

It’s kind of embarrassing. =.=” I’m sorry teacher, I will do better next time.

Monday, September 28, 2009

End Of My Raya Holiday

Well,today is the last day for my Raya break and I will be returning to my college again.Well,to be honest,I don't want to go back there but nothing can be change.That's really sound very kiddo for sad to leave home and go back to college.
It's so much fun at my own hometown.Let's compare it on few fields -

Home = red
College = blue
Food - (Restaurant,Fast Restaurant,Mamak,Roadside Food Stall) (Canteen,Cova,Mamak)

Going Somewhere - (Drive,Ride,Cycle,Walk) (One Choice = walk)

Free Time - (Online & Offline gaming,surf net,yamcha,longkai,BOOKLESS) (Offline gaming,study)

This thing on top is just some examples by comparing my life at hometown with my life at college.
During every time when I know that I'm gonna go back to my hometown,I'll be very relax and can't wait to get into the bus but whenever I know that I'm going back to college,I'll be nervous for tomorrow's journey.It will takes me 5 hours to go back to college or go back to hometown.It's really freaking me out for returning to college buy yet I Have To! T____T

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Life In College - Miss Those Old Days

So,I finally continue my studies at SEGi University College At Kota Damansara - Near PJ
What can I say is I was cheated by the elegant building structure of this UC. No matter how regret am I for not taking the government's route,I still have to complete my studies in this school.

During last time,I always thought that college is a place for us to fully enjoy by hanging out with friends,playing this and that - Yeah,I do go out and play some time - things that I did not try before during my life at my hometown. But there's always sacrifice(s) for everything that we're having now.No matter what it is - think carefully again if you feel that I'm wrong.

For an example,I dumped my life in my hometown where I can have everything there and came to college where I have to settle everything all by myself - living with many strangers.Trust me,your life with your family is the best.

I remember that my friend once told me before that the life after Form 5 graduation is the most enjoyable time - Yeah,I finally agree with you now my pal.I miss every single moment we spent together after we graduated Form 5 even though it was such a short time.

Everyday when I open my eyes early in the morning,the older I'm getting and the nearer my time to be an adult.
~Enjoy your life while you can~

Friday, April 24, 2009


I just watched a movie named |Twilight| and it's quite a nice love story to be watched.Kind of late for watching it right?
Erm,overall for the movie = 7/10
Haha,because I feel that Bella is kind of over acting in her speech.It's like over ' yat kau yat kau' when she's talking to Edward during some interesting parts especially when she is at the hospital with Edward where Edward asks her to go away.
So,before watching the movie,I was wondering why boys will say that Twilight is a boring movie to be watched while girls will say ---> "Wow,Twilight is amazing!" Sort of that.
If I were a girl,I will totally agree that Twilight is amazing!Because Edward is simply just too attractive and the way he makes the situation turns into a romantic moment.You know....Climbing trees,go to a high place to view the entire environment,save you when you are in an extremely danger situation,protect you around dirty boys and bla bla bla.A dream guy for almost all the girls that had watched this movie.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Secret That No One Will Know

I Am A Loss Soul Without A light To Guide Me,
My Mind Has Gone Blank But Still There is One Thing That Keeps Flashing In My Mind,Should You Wanted To Know Who I Am Thinking While I'm Lost?
That Is YOU,The One And Will Be The Only One In My Life!
It Is The One Who Brought Me Back From The Dark & Bringing Joy Into My Life.
Love Is The Reason That Keeps Me Going On,
Looking For The Missing Piece Of My Heart,
Wishing For The Days Once We Cherish To Come Home,
A Love Story That Will Never Has A Full Stop,
Imagine Both Of Us Are At The Beach,
Thousand Miles Seem Pretty Far,
I Will Keep On Chasing It Until The Last Breathe I Exhale,
No Matter How And What It Costs Me!
Gently Moving My Lips Near Yours,
Feel Your Breathing And Lock My Eyes On Yours,
Only By This Way My Soul Could Stay Calm And Peaceful,
Rain Fall By Suddenly Give Me A Chance To Kiss Your Lips Under The Rain,
You Are So Beautiful And Pure,
Only You Can Help Me To Find Back The Missing Piece Of My Heart!
Usually What Had Gone Would Not Come Back.
- A Simple Poem By †AcE† And Suikoden™
- What Is Important Is Not About The Poem,It Is Something Else That Is Not Easy To Be Seen